XML gateway is not working in R12.1.3

We are configuring XML gateway in R12 system.

We have configuged for OTA and trying to ping same server using 

Oracle Performance Tuning - Storage Tuning Part 2


The process of Elimination of Tablespace Fragmentation

Honeycomb tablespaces are very easy to be fixed using the following command.

Alter tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA coalesce;

Oracle Performance Tuning - Storage Tuning Part 1


Storage related problem can be generated from different reasons. The following is an interesting example.
Once a database performance has stalled without any change in hardware level and physical layout level. The detail analysis shows that, the application running on the database is mistakenly submitting huge number of jobs in oracle job queue table. The application’s problem

Oracle Apps Configuration Tutorial - Concurrent Manager

Here we will see in details how we can define concurrent manager in oracle R12. As you are aware a concurrent manager itself is a concurrent program which runs other concurrent manager. So, lets see how we can define this manager.

During Oracle Apps Login, Responsibilities Assigned to Users is not appearing in the Navigator Page

User data in the FND_USER, FND_RESPONSIBILITY, WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES, and WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS tables is not valid. To synchronize data follow the steps below.

Step by step Oracle Apps R12.1.3 Rapid Cloning

Prerequisite Steps

1. If your target server holds at least one Oracle Apps R12.1.3 instance, you can skip for any OS patch or software requirement section. As the server is running a Oracle Apps instance, we can assume the server has all the

How to change IP address of Oracle apps Instance

1. Change the IP Address in the Server; 

2. Verify the current ip address setup in the Oracle Applications environment.

After R12.1.3 installation adstrtal.sh is exiting with error code 3

Issue -> 
After R12.1.3 installation adstrtal.sh is exiting with error code 3

Although the startup script is giving error, all the modules and technical components are working fine, as there is no user complain till now. So, all the

After installing new R12.1.3, concurrent manager was not starting and showing "Inactive nomanager" error

After installing new R12.1.3, concurrent manager was not starting and showing "Inactive nomanager" error.

We have done the following to try to solve the problem.

BNE_UIX_PHYSICAL_DIRECTORY is not configured Issue in Oracle Apps

While generating the document through WEB ADI, the below error message is coming. 
"BNE_UIX_PHYSICAL_DIRECTORY is not configured". 

Oracle Database Security Tutorial


Authentication is the process of validating whether proper user is accesing the database Authentication has been done mostly

EBS R12 Migration from Solaris to Linux

How to Migrate Oracle R12 instance from Solaris to Linux

Recently I have migrated the Solaris R12.1.1 instance to Linux. The following article describes the overall process. Although we have mostly followed the oracle doc on R12 export/import and apps tier platform migration, in some of

R12 Database Migration From Solaris to Linux using export/import

Section 1: Prepare the source system

This section describes how to ensure that you have the required patches, create your export file, and capture important information that is required to

R12 Form compilation with error ORA-12154

R12 Form compilation failed with following error.

frmcmp_batch.sh Module=XXXQRMST.fmb Userid=apps/g#apps@GFA

Oracle Space Management Tutorial

Your Oracle Database has three basic blocks.
  1. Blocks
  2. Extents

How to upgrade Oracle EBS R12.1.1 to 12.1.3

Here are the complete guidelines to upgrade Oracle Ebusiness Suite to 12.1.3 from 12.1.1. Before upgrade our database version was
Although we have followed the doc Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3